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The Didjeridoo is an Aberigenal instrument usually made from a hollowed out ecalyptus branch...

Hal, your didj pal...thanks Charles   Labor Day Fest 2000 Mad Murdocks

but the didjeridoo is more... it's a pipe thingy, it's also any tube that you can blow through and make a sound. This is the music continuum. The didj to me is an experience in "spiritual music harmony." Stomp a round the bonfire with a harsh east wind blowing over the ridge, and feel the didj. Stand knee deep in the Mayville gorge and bouce your tone off of the opposing creek wall... then watch the fire flies dance to you. It's a tube. oh yeh... you can also sit crossed legged on a local stage and people will clap... thank you all.

Didji Shrine


mowing the yard at Norm's

First you must breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. When the air comes in through your nose, it has too be inhaled in bursts. You can start by by breathing in slowly,
alternate using the nose and mouth in one breath. With one inhale breathe start through the nose, the mouth, then the nose again. It will also help to reverse the proccess by exhaling.
These actions teach throat and tongue muscles how to regulate the air flow. Now inhale a large breath exhale through a small opening in your mouth keeping your lips tight but also allowing a
small flow of air. Part of the way through the exhaling, stop using your lungs and start using the air stored in your puffed out cheeks. Once you can successfully keep a steady flow of air two
or more seconds, then try to inhale through your nose while you are pushing the extra air out of your cheeks. When preforming all of these actions at the same time the inhale must be strong
enough to pull enough air into the lungs but also short enough not to disrupt the playing of the didge. These are not natural actions, so you must keep practicing if you want to learn. It takes
some longer to get the hang of it, but if you keep trying, you will learn.

Didjeridoo Chart

Didjeridoo Links

Wikipedia article about Didjeridoos